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Collection: 兰州药业 Lan Zhou

31 products

  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou relaxx extract (concentrated) xiao yao wan 兰州逍遥丸 200 pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system by establishing the body's natrual balance. 疏肝健脾,养血调经,用于调理肝气不舒等不适....

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    Only 9 units left
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou relaxx plus extract (jia wei xiao yao wan) 兰州加味逍遥丸 200 pills

    A traditional herbal supplement helps maintain healthy circulation by establishing the body's natural balance. 舒肝解郁, 清熱調經, 用於調理肝郁化火, 煩聞急躁,食欲不振,月經不調等。 *These statements...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    30 in stock
  • 3% off
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou ginseng & yam combo extract 兰州人参健脾丸 200pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system by establishing the body's natural balance. 健脾益氣,消食和胃。用于調理脾胃虛弱,...

    $ 6.78 USD $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.78 USD
    $ 6.78 USD $ 6.99 USD
    35 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou visex extractz(ming mu di huang wan) 兰州明目地黃丸 200pills

    A traditional herbal supplement to promote and maintain a healthy vision system. 滋腎養肝明目,適合調理腎陰虛,自澀畏光,視物模糊,迎風流淚。 *These statements have not been evaluated by...

    $ 6.99 USD $ 5.50 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD $ 5.50 USD
    29 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou angelicae longona 兰州归脾丸 200 pills

    A traditional nursing herbal supplement which offers you the herbal nutrient for well being. 益氣健脾,養血安神。用於調理心脾兩虛,氣短心悸,失眠多夢等。 *These statements have not been...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    Only 10 units left
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou huo xiang zheng qi wan(inspirex extract) 兰州藿香正气丸 200pills

    *产品的说明信息未经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)的评估审查,因此不宜作药用注解, 请在使用前咨询医生.*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    23 in stock
  • Sold out
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou respiryn extract (qing qi hua tan wan) 兰州清氣化痰丸 200pills

    A traditional herbal supplement which helps promote and maintain a healthy respiratory system. 清熱化痰,理氣止咳。 *These statements have not been evaluated...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou lycll & chrysanthemum 兰州杞菊地黄丸浓缩製剂 200pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy vision system by establishing the body's natural balance. 滋阴养肝,用于条例肝肾阴虚,头昏目眩,视物昏花等。...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    48 in stock
  • Sold out 49% off
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou heparex extract 兰州小柴胡汤丸 200pills (ex by 06/24)

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote overall good health and well-being by establishing the body's natural balance. 解表散热,舒肝和胃。用于调理寒热往来,胸胁苦满,心烦喜吐,口苦咽乾等。 *These...

    $ 3.50 USD $ 6.99 USD
    $ 3.50 USD
    $ 3.50 USD $ 6.99 USD
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou bai zi yang xin wan (sedalyn extract) 兰州柏子养心丸 200pills

    Nourishes heart blood, cools blood heat, nourishes heart yin, calms Shen or spirit. Nourish blood, strengthen heart, tonify Qi. *These...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    13 in stock
  • New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou digestinex extract 兰州香砂六君丸 200 pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system. 益氣健脾,和胃。用於調理脾虛氣滯,消化不良,噯氣食少,脘腹脹滿,大便溏泄。 *These statements have not been evaluated...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    16 in stock
  • Sold out
    New York Tung Ren Tang 紐約同仁堂

    Lan zhou bai-zhu atractylodes combo extract 兰州健脾丸 200pills

    A traditional herbal supplement that helps promote and maintain a healthy digestive system. 健脾開胃,用於調理脾胃虛弱,脘腹脹滿,食少便溏等不適。 *These statements have not been evaluated...

    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
    $ 6.99 USD
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